planner tips

My friend sent me this funny meme because every year around this time (and also in August with back to school) I get REAL into my planner. Then it sort of fizzles out, and then I pick it back up. The thing is though, when I start using it again my brain feels so much freer from all the little things I'm carrying around in my mind. I have a whole post here about monthly planning, but a few quick tips for the new year are below.


1. No one planner is going to solve it all for you. Find one that you like and USE it. I'm trying this new one this year I picked up on a whim at The Container Store. I like how it's not too much extra stuff. Just space for notes or to dos for each day and a quick 2 pages of goal setting at the beginning. Oh and love the pocket in the back and the book mark band!


2. I don't write in our recurring appointments. I know what time my kids go to school. I know that we have speech on Tuesdays and dance on Thursdays. I use an online calendar too with my husband, so for my planner I use it more for daily to-dos and any one-off things I need to remember like dentist appointments, lunches, deadlines, etc.

3. Delegating tasks to each day of the week is much better for me than one giant to-do list. One big list is overwhelming. Two or three to-dos a day is doable. 

4. Batch your tasks. I try to have one day that is super computer heavy, one day of errands, and one day of home projects. It's hard for me to transition between tasks so if I'm doing similar things all day long it gives me an easier flow. Fewer transitions means less distraction.


5. I use the notes section like a journal. I take notes during our church sermons and like to revisit them. I write them in on Sunday's section or on the monthly notes pages. I keep all my planners year after year as a way to remember what we did - and now I also have the quotes, verses, and mantras that were important to me at that time.

6. 15 minutes weekly will help your sanity. On Sundays or even Monday mornings, I take time to look at my google calendar, fill in my planner, and pencil in to-dos for each day of the upcoming week. This quick week-at-a-glance time is so helpful for me. I meal plan, set goals for workouts, and check-in with Al about the week.

7. You don't have to have a plan for each day. Have a flex day. I try to leave one day fairly empty as a catch-up day for anything that didn't get done that week. Same for meals. I aim to cook 3 times a week with at least one meal providing leftovers. I know at least one evening we'll grab something or feed the kids eggs and pancakes and door dash something for us. Flex days help you not feel like you’re failing when the plan just doesn’t happen.

8. A new pack of pretty pens helps. I’m liking these!


I hope this helps jumpstart your year friends! One of my goals is to do fewer things better and this planner reset is helping me do just that.