Hi! I’m Katie. I’m a wife to Al, mom to two littles (Deacon age 4 and Emilia age 1), and avid share-er (I’m aware that’s not a real word, but go with it). I’m a Kansas girl who currently lives in Dallas, but I spent my twenties in New York City. The Rose Record started as a blog in 2011 to record our life as The Roses. What was once a journal of our NYC adventures for our families back in the Midwest became a place for me to share my favorites – favorite recipes, online finds, books, life hacks, entertaining ideas, clothes, beauty, you name it. After a brief (*cough* five years *cough*) hiatus to move to a new city and have two babies, I’m back! I hope in my record of favorites, you find one or two of your own. Why not find a new favorite thing today?

(Keep scrolling to read more about why and how The Rose Record came to be.)


The Rose Record

Why not find a new favorite thing today?



Here’s the Story

I have always been that girl who people go to for their favorite (fill in the blank). I remember back to the AOL days and LOVING filling out those chain emails that asked everything from your favorite deodorant to favorite song lyric (And duh changing the font to be comic sans with alternating neon colors and a black background because I was “like so edgy”). In college I was perpetually the last girl ready in my sorority because I was always curling everyone’s hair, helping with their makeup, or taking my sweet time trying a new look I saw in InStyle. And now, in my thirties, I’m sending my mom and sister links to random things on Amazon or Nordstrom and swearing that they “must get these immediately.” I’m known for giving way more advice on the group text than anyone wanted about X product. I can’t not share! I’m a 1w2 on the enneagram (obsessed with enneagram btw but that’s a blog post for another time) which essentially means I’m a perfectionist who likes to know the “best way” with a side of “let me take care of you”. And so, here we are.

I blogged just about every day from 2011 to 2015 (you can see the old blog here - I’m working on getting it transferred to the new site). It was my creative outlet from a grueling (yet fun!) job in private equity. My husband was also in his first years at a big law firm and thus not around much. So in my alone time I wrote. I wrote about what we did on the weekends, what I was cooking that week, how I did my hair, what styles I was liking for the season, really everything. My gift guides each holiday season were well crafted and I think what a lot of my readers liked most. I had fun with it, didn’t take it too seriously and enjoyed it. But when we moved to Dallas in 2015, I was three months pregnant, had no friends, knew nothing about our new city and just didn’t have much to share. I was overwhelmed with building our new life and so I quit The Rose Record.

It took me a year or two to get my footing – to figure out Dallas, figure out my new baby, and figure out my new life as a stay at home mom. I still shared via Instagram about our daily life, our brilliant son, house projects, etc. Just when I was thinking I could maybe start writing again, we had another baby and well you know how that goes. I’m just coming out of the vortex of that first year with our sweet girl and I feel like I’m starting to have the time, brain capacity, and amount of uninterrupted sleep needed to do this again. The only caveat being that its 2020, and blogging is NOT what it was in five years ago, let alone when I started in 2011. But, for those of you who click through on my Instagram and land here, I hope you find The Rose Record to be a little break from your day. I hope in my record of favorites, you find one or two of your own. Why not find a new favorite thing today?